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City of Spencer

101 W 5th Street

(712) 580-7200 ext. 228

Electrical Permit Application

Application is hereby made for electrical construction or reconstruction.  Application for Electrical permit must be made and the permit issued prior to starting work.

The Applicant is the Property Owner and the property is the PRIMARY residence of the applicant

Property Owner

Address of Proposed Installation

    Type of Building:

    Service Requirements

    A Standard Load Calculation worksheet needs to be completed.  You can access the worksheet here.  The worksheet will open in a new browser tab.  Once you have completed the worksheet, you can close the tab and complete this application.  

    A Standard Load Calculation worksheet needs to be completed.  You can access the worksheet here.  The worksheet will open in a new browser tab.  Once you have completed the worksheet, you can close the tab and complete this application.  

    Service Provider

    Plans and specifications may be required by the Building Official. 

    Upload Documents

    Click Here to Upload

    Fee Amount: $10

    Balance of Permit Fee will be calculated upon project completion and final inspection.  

    It is hereby agreed that all work will be done in a workmanlike manner, with the rights of the public safeguarded and all electrical installed, constructed or replaced shall be in accordance with the specifications as to labor methods and materials used as permitted and required by the State of Iowa electrical Code and amendments thereto and to the City Code of Spencer, Iowa.  Further, that the City of Spencer, Iowa is to be saved harmless from all expenses or cost in connection therewith and from all damages, law suits, attorney's fees, costs or charges that may accrue on account of said work.  I further agree to notify the electrical inspector of completed electrical as required by City Code.

    Applicant Signature

    Choose how to sign

    For Use by Building Official:

    Invoice Code: ELECP